Okay. Assalamualaikum kepada semua & salam 1Malaysia.
Baiklah. Di sini, aku akan bercerita tentang Asasi TESL (Teaching English as Second Language). Penceritaan ini berasaskan pengalaman sendiri dan pembacaan aku dari blog-blog yang lain. Aku nak list-kan, credits pada bloggers yang post pasal TESL, tapi, kalau satu dua blog aku baca, takpe juga. Aku rasa, ada dekat berbelas aku baca. (belum kira yang aku terbaca 2-3 kali lagi tu. haha)
Mula-mula, meh sini kakak terangkan TESL tu haiwan apa ye?
1. Mula-mula sekali, TESL itu bukanlah haiwan. Course ini is English-based. Semua benda yang korang belajar, everything is about English and English itself. So, kena power English-lah macam ni? Hahaha. Aku gelak je. Kalau macam tu, orang yang berlumba-lumba nak masuk asasi sains semua tu, kena power phy, chem, bio lah? Tak kan? Kalau average pun, boleh jugakan? Sama macam di TESL. Tapi, kalau mantap kan advantage kat kau.
Come on. Ini yang ramai takut sangat nak letakkan Asasi Tesl dalam salah satu pilihan dekat UPU diorang. Selain takut dengan tanda (#) sebab kena interview, diorang takut kena speaking depan interviewer. Alahai sayang. Kau ingat, interviewer tu robot ke, tak ada perasaan? Dia tahu kot, yang nanti nak ditanya pelbagai soalan itu hanyalah seorang pelajar hingusan yang entah-entah tak pernah pergi interview seumur hidup dia. Bukannya kau kena speaking dalam British accent ke, American accent ke. Hahaha. Lawaklah siapa yg fikir macam tu. XD
So, selepas aku mohon di UPU, entah beberapa minggu selepas tarikh tutup UPU, aku check; aku dipanggil untuk temudugu di UiTM Shah Alam. It was undeniable to look around, and trembled for no reason. Thinking of the people around you were such a superior and you were just some useless inferior. Ala~ Benda tu, memang akan rasa. Tapi, kena control.
Apa yang depa buat waktu interview tu?
2. Baiklah. Ini waktu aku ye; 2015 (batch '97). Waktu adik-adik nanti, maybe lain pula?
Bila aku datang, aku terus kena check aku bilik number berapa? 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5? Ingat itu dan anda akan dibawa ke hall untuk peperiksaan bertulis. YES. Sebelum kau nak gabra sebab kena tanya macam-macam, kau kena gabra atas kertas dulu. Dia ada soalan comprehensive and essay. Jangan spend masa lama sangat kat comprehensive, nanti essay kau tak cukup masa.
And aku warning siap-siap. Air-cond dia sumpah sejuk gila. Aku hampir beku kat situ sebab kena air-cond direct. Tangan aku sampai kadang-kadang menggeletar waktu buat essay. Aku macam nak give up dah, tapi, belum lagi. Belum tiba masa utk give up. Kalau nak tanya essay dia susah tak? Sama je macam dulu SPM. Itu je yang aku boleh jawab.
Selepas dah buat ujian bertulis, haaa baru masuk climax-nya. Interview session! Nanti, kau akan diletakkan dalam group mengikut number bilik yang kau tengok tadi. tak silap aku, satu group tu ada macam 20 orang, tapi waktu group aku tu, cuma ada 15-17 je. Yang lagi beberapa orang tidak hadir.
So kak, kena speaking ke dengan ahli kumpulan kalau nak bercakap?
Aku rasa, takde tertulis dekat mana-mana bahagian laman web UiTM kata kau kena speaking. hahahahaha. maksudnya, feel free to speak in whatever languages, okay dik? waktu aku dulu, kitorang bahasa rojak. And seriously, group kitorang memang happening gila. Bayangkan, buat lawak sepanjang masa. Group lain semua tengok je. Dapat pula, group aku dulu semua perempuan. Patut ada sorang lelaki, tapi tak mai. Makin lama, makin senyap group tu sebab ramai yang dah siap and balik. XD
So, bila turn aku, aku pulalah nervous. Yang lain buat lawak semua dh tak masuk dah dalam kepala aku. Ada yang keluar dari bilik interview, then bagitahu pasal interviewer tanya tentang GST. hahaha. lagilah gelabah. Then, aku pun dipanggil masuk.
Masuk-masuk tu, aku greet kedua-dua interviewer (Seorang wanita india dan lelaki melayu). Aku datang kat meja diorang dan bagi segala dokumen yang telah dinyatakan. Kemudian, aku disuruh duduk. Soalan-soalan mereka dan jawapan-jawapan aku : (p/s : yang banyak tanya aku, wanita tu)
What is your name?
My name is Miza Syahirah binti Mohd Faizal. But you may call me Miza.
So Miza, tell us briefly about yourself?
I am the eldest and I have four younger brothers. Can you imagine how my life is with boys around me? hahaha. (interviewer senyum sekali) I used to attend SMK Shahbandaraya which is very near to my house. I think that's it.
Okay. So, you used to go to SMK Shahbandaraya. What do you think about your school?
About my school? haha. It is a very great school. Everything there was great. The library. Oh yes! I was a librarian before. Other than that, my friends. Although we argued a lot, we were going to apologize to each other and our relationship became better. And the best thing about my school is, of course the teachers. They care about the students, they are kind and... I think, you should go to my school to see all the good things there. hahaha. ^^
You are so proud of your school. So, how do you think about the other schools?
Well. To be honest, I kind of... look down at the other schools. But it was just slightly. Somehow, I realized that other schools too are becoming better. And there's only one secondary school around me. So, there isn't much rival. (sentences have been edited)
Who is your principal?
Oh. My principal is Datin Hajah Zanariah. She is our pengetua cemerlang and she is a great person.
LEPAS TU KAN, tiba-tiba yang interviewer lelaki tu angkat muka dia.
Interviewer lelaki : Who is your principal again?
Aku : *gulp* My principal is Datin Hajah Zanariah and she is our pengetua cemerlang. She is a great person...
Tiba2, interviewer lelaki tu senyum : She is my wife.
Aku : ek. HEHEHEHE. *tiba2 aku jadi bodoh gila, garu-garu kepala depan interviewer* No wonder you look so familiar, sir. Hahahaha.
For a moment, bilik itu dipenuhi dengan kebodohan aku tersengeh-sengeh. XD
Then, kembali ke interviewer perempuan.
So, Miza. What current issues that caught your attention?
The current issue that caught my attention is about the small community of psychopath around us. As you can see, nowadays, there are too many people murdering each other. Like, the man who killed his fiancee. Yeah.
What do you think about that?
Well, I think that, the main problem came from oneself. The society might blame the family of the man like, the parents did not give him a proper education. But, in my opinion, even if they are a religious people and gave their children a very good education, going there, going here, if that child was going to turn into that way, murdering people, it was actually his/her problem. No one to be blamed. (sentences have been edited)
Okay, Miza. So, why do you choose TESL?
I once was a mentor in my school and I have a mentee. I was assigned to teach her Mathematics. But this mentee of mine was very hardworking although she was a weak student. She asked me to teach her English too and I was very glad to do it. I taught her and taught her. And after SPM results were out, she failed in her English and passed for her Mathematics. That was how I realized. When I was teaching her Mathematics, I only taught her so that she could understand better. But when I taught her English, I started to put some expectations and forced her to meet my expectations. Then I realized. Why did I ever teach someone to meet my expectations? Why didn't I teach them so that they could accept it? She is my inspiration and the reason I chose TESL. (sentences have been edited)
Very well. That's it. Do you have any question?
(aku pun tanyalah, boleh ke aku nak ke overseas or exchange student kalau aku amek Asasi TESL. Then, lepas tanya itu ini, aku pula tanya diorang kalau diorang nak tanya apa-apa kat aku. Then, the end.)
That's it. Ada ke benda yang menakutkan? Takde kan? Haha. Relax je. Serious. Aku sampai rasa macam nak diorang tanya lagi. Lagi lagi. macam best. Haha. Okay, that's it.
Apa kerjaya TESL?
Nah. Aku baru nak mula. So, tak beberapa arif. Tapi, ini ada kakak yang sangat cantik ni, dia pelajar asasi TESL dulu. Baca blog dia : SINI.
and ting tong ting tong. Pengumuman UPU; Aku dapat! Aku ditawarkan Asasi TESL. ^^ Alhamdulillah. Okay guys and girls. That's all. Thank you for reading.
Assalamualaikum. :)
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